Birds with Hats

I’ve always loved birds for their bright colours and curious behaviour. In 2023 I started a series called “Birds with Hats“. I pick a bird I like and imagine what hat it would wear. You can purchase most of these in sets of cute physical postcards in my shop. Surprise a loved one with their favourite bird! (Or keep them all, I won’t judge)

All of these are drawn by me, using a mix of watercolours and colour pencils. Each one is a labour of love. I also made a YouTube video about my process from coming up with the idea of “Birds with Hats” all the way to turning it into a finished product.

I am working on getting in touch with some local shops that might be interested in buying my postcards. If you know someone, please get in touch through the form at the bottom of the page!

Birds of Paradise

City Birds

Water Birds

Backyard Birds

Got an idea for Birds with Hats? Get in touch!

Do you have a favourite bird I have not drawn yet? It could be a bird you saw on vacation, in your backyard or even your pet bird. What kind of hat would that bird wear? Would it have a job? Or maybe you just thought of a funny pun. Leave me a message, and I might draw it next 🙂

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