Available Merch

After studying anatomy for years, I picked my favourite skeleton creatures, cleaned up the sketches and turned them into pins, stickers, and most recently: plushies. They are a clear fan favourite at conventions, since they make great accessories or gifts.

Visit my Etsy store or check out the full catalogue here.

Skeleton Creatures

My longest ongoing art project has been the study of animal anatomy. I am very curious about how bodies work and what the skeletons of mythical creatures would look like.

It all started with a few personal pieces a few years ago, then gained speed during my 100 Day Challenge. I love combining bright colours with more morbid themes like mortality.

100 Days of Skeletons

I created the main body of work for this challenge when I vowed to do a sketch every day for 100 days. I picked a new animal, dinosaur or mythical creature each day, researched their anatomy and painted them in watercolour.

You can purchase the art book here. This second edition includes over 40 pages of content. Besides the 100 drawings, it features never-before shown concept art and a step-by-step process of how to turn sketches into merchandise-ready illustrations and designs.

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